A bridge too far


A Bridge Too Far was an extension of the art-activist campaign against the Garden Bridge, growing from A Folly For London and concentrating more on public engagement and understanding more about the contentious development.

A website & social media handles were the front of campaigning which involved working with journalists, sector experts, politicians & other campaigners. The project helped communicate the many issues of the campaign to the public and media, & locate the Garden Bridge as a representative symbol of many issues in our current political & urban landscapes.

The campaign website, designed in collaboration with award winning graphic designer Craig Oldham, provided a platform for delivering updates to the popular campaign as well as a place to explore the issues of the controversial development.

The website, with blog, and social media offered a platform for both series critique & more humourous, shareable content to help spread concerns & anger around the project.

As well as the website, the public side of the activism included:
    - workshops
    - public talks
    - public walking tour
    - academic lectures & conferences
    - visual work
    - blogposts  
    - guerrila gardening
    - crowdfunded legal action

Planting an apple tree on the South Bank park which would have been removed for the bridge commercial unit & queueing platform.

An interview with Sian Berry, current leader of the Green Party, about the privatisation of public space, the Garden Bridge & the form of the city, at the Space Probe Alpha mass tresspass, where I also delivered a talk.

It is hard to visually display the range of activities which made up these years of succesful activism - not least because much of it was unseen, comprising of long letters for political submissions of evidence, meetings, research,working with print & broadcast journalists, & real-time responding to developments.

These redactions epitomised a project which was and remains - while certain governmental FOI advice is witheld & no “Kids Company” style inquiry is carried out - clouded in secrecy, hidden processes, & witheld information: